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Showing posts from January, 2008

College of Pastoral Supervision And Psychotherapy Keeping the Cost of Clinical Pastoral Education Affordable

An organizations philosophy of how it organizes itself can cost a community when it comes to conference time in terms of dollars. Organizations with a top down corporate structure have higher over head costs for staff and buildings. In contrast to the corporate model the College of Pastoral Supervision & Psychotherapy is a grass roots organization bound together by its covenant to travel light. CPSP's commitment to traveling light, having no paid professional staff and owning no buildings allows us to keep the costs of membership and conferences at a minimum. The cost of registration for the 2008 CPSP Plenary is $195.00 inclusive of meals and banquet and the hotel room will cost you $79.00 with $10.00 for each additional person. As part of the CPSP covenant of traveling light CPSP does not solicit any corporate sponsorship or endowments. For more information about the CPSP Plenary visit the link below: Pastoral Report